The Mental Health Benefits of Having a Best Friend

Written By: Yvette Howard

Two women walking along a path with arms linked

In a world where mental health is increasingly at the forefront of our collective consciousness, the value of having a best friend can sometimes be overlooked. Yet, the comfort and support provided by a best friend can be a lifeline during life's ups and downs. Best friends do more than just share good times; they also help us navigate our darkest moments, offering a unique form of emotional support that can significantly enhance our mental well-being. This blog explores the profound mental health benefits of having a best friend, shedding light on how these special relationships contribute to our emotional resilience, reduce stress, and promote a happier, healthier life.

Understanding Friendship and Mental Health

Understanding the connection between friendship and mental health is crucial to appreciating the role a best friend plays in our lives. At its core, friendship is a mutual bond between people who share trust, support, and affection. A best friend, especially, stands out as someone uniquely important—someone who knows us deeply, shares our joys and sorrows, and stands by us regardless of circumstances.

Mental health encompasses our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It influences how we think, feel, and behave in daily life. It also affects how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. In the journey of life, mental health is as critical as physical health, yet many of us find it difficult to maintain, especially when isolated or lonely.

The presence of a best friend can combat these feelings of isolation. Humans are inherently social creatures, and our brains are wired to connect with others. Quality friendships provide comfort and joy, which can significantly reduce stress and anxiety. When we share our life with a best friend, we cultivate a space where vulnerabilities can be exposed without fear of judgment. This sense of security and acceptance is vital for our mental health.

Moreover, best friends often act as a mirror, reflecting our strengths and areas for growth. They provide feedback and perspectives that challenge us to grow and adapt, which is crucial for maintaining our mental well-being. This dynamic of give and take in a friendship enriches our lives, providing a stable foundation that supports both parties' emotional health.

In essence, the interplay between friendship and mental health is a dance of mutual support and personal growth. As we navigate the complexities of life, having a best friend can make the journey less daunting and more enjoyable. Their presence not only brightens our days but also strengthens our ability to face life's challenges with resilience. Thus, the significance of a best friend goes beyond mere companionship; it is a vital component of our overall mental health.

The Benefits of Having a Best Friend

The benefits of having a best friend extend deeply into our mental and emotional landscapes, influencing everything from our day-to-day happiness to our long-term well-being. Best friends provide more than just company; they offer a multifaceted support system that profoundly impacts our lives in several ways.

Emotional Support

One of the primary benefits of having a best friend is the emotional support they provide. Life can often be overwhelming, presenting us with challenges and obstacles that are difficult to navigate alone. In these times, having a best friend to lean on can make a significant difference. They offer a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on, providing comfort and reassurance during tough times. This unconditional support can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation, which are key factors in many mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

Stress Relief

Best friends also serve as a source of stress relief. Laughter and joy are common in these relationships, and sharing fun and light-hearted moments can significantly reduce stress levels. The simple act of talking through problems with someone who understands you can also diminish the weight of your worries, helping to manage stress more effectively.

Self-Esteem and Confidence

Moreover, best friends often boost our self-esteem and confidence. They see us at our best and worst and still choose to love and support us. This acceptance builds our self-worth, encouraging us to feel more confident in our own skin. When we feel good about ourselves, we are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors and make decisions that reflect our true desires and needs.

Positive Behavior

Behaviorally, best friends can influence us positively as well. They can encourage us to adopt healthier habits or seek help when we're struggling. Whether it’s joining a gym together, embarking on a healthier diet, or supporting each other through mental health struggles, the influence of a best friend often motivates us to make beneficial changes.


Finally, the stability of a long-term friendship provides ongoing benefits to our mental health. Research suggests that individuals with close friendships have better mental health outcomes as they age. The consistency and reliability of having someone who has been with you through various phases of life provide a unique form of emotional security that can buffer against psychological stress.

In essence, the benefits of having a best friend are profound and pervasive. They enrich our lives, providing emotional and practical support that helps us navigate the complexities of life with greater ease and joy. The relationship with a best friend is a powerful, life-enhancing connection that plays a crucial role in promoting mental and emotional health.

Challenges and Considerations

While the benefits of having a best friend are numerous and significant, maintaining such a relationship also comes with its challenges and considerations. Understanding these potential pitfalls can help ensure that the friendship remains healthy and mutually beneficial over time.

Managing Expectations

One major challenge is managing expectations. Each person may have different expectations about the frequency of communication, the level of support needed, or the types of activities they enjoy together. When these expectations aren’t communicated or met, it can lead to feelings of disappointment or neglect. Open and honest communication is crucial in navigating these differences and ensuring that both friends feel valued and understood.

Healthy Boundaries

Another consideration is maintaining healthy boundaries. Even the closest of friendships require boundaries to ensure that neither person feels overwhelmed or taken advantage of. This can be particularly challenging when one person is going through a difficult time and leans heavily on the other. While it’s important to be supportive, it’s equally important to ensure that the support does not turn into a one-sided dynamic where one friend’s needs consistently overshadow the other’s.


Codependency is another potential issue in close friendships. This occurs when the friendship hinders personal growth or independence, with one or both individuals relying too heavily on the other for emotional support or decision-making. A healthy friendship should encourage personal development and autonomy alongside the support it provides.


Additionally, conflicts are inevitable in any relationship, including friendships. Navigating disagreements without hurting each other’s feelings can be tricky. It’s essential to approach conflicts with empathy, keeping in mind that the goal is to resolve the issue and strengthen the relationship, not to win an argument.

External Factors

Finally, external factors such as geographical distance, significant life changes, or new romantic relationships can test the strength of a friendship. These situations require both friends to make a conscious effort to stay connected and adapt to new circumstances.

Addressing these challenges requires effort and commitment from both sides. By fostering open communication, respecting each other’s boundaries, and approaching conflicts with empathy, friends can maintain a healthy relationship that withstands the test of time and enriches both of their lives.

Cultivating and Maintaining a Best Friendship

Cultivating and maintaining a best friendship is a dynamic and ongoing process that involves continuous effort and mutual respect. The journey of a deep friendship mirrors the growth and change inherent in life, adapting and evolving with each new challenge and experience.

1. Shared Values

From the initial spark of connection, the foundation of a best friendship is built on shared experiences and values, trust, and mutual understanding. These elements create a unique bond that can offer unparalleled support and companionship. As the friendship matures, maintaining this bond requires consistent nurturing.

2. Communication

Communication is at the heart of every strong friendship. Being open and honest with each other, sharing thoughts, fears, and hopes, keeps the relationship healthy and vibrant. This dialogue fosters a deep understanding and appreciation for each other's complexities and nuances. It also ensures that both friends feel seen and heard, a critical aspect of any emotional connection.

3. Empathy

Empathy plays a crucial role as well. Putting oneself in the other’s shoes, understanding their feelings and perspectives, and offering support without judgment strengthens the bond. This empathetic approach helps both friends feel supported and valued, even when they may not fully agree with each other.

4. Respecting Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is equally important. As individuals, friends have their own lives, responsibilities, and needs. Acknowledging and respecting these personal boundaries helps prevent feelings of resentment or neglect, ensuring that the friendship adds to, rather than detracts from, each individual's well-being.

5. Navigating Challenges

Over time, friendships inevitably face tests—conflicts, life transitions, and external pressures such as work or family commitments can strain the relationship. Navigating these challenges together, with patience and understanding, can actually strengthen the bond, turning potential obstacles into opportunities for growth.

6. Making an Effort

Additionally, making an effort to create and share new experiences can reinvigorate a friendship and prevent it from stagnating. Whether it’s traveling together, exploring a new hobby, or simply incorporating regular meet-ups into busy schedules, these shared moments can reinforce the joy and value of the friendship.

Ultimately, cultivating and maintaining a best friendship is about cherishing and investing in the relationship continually. It’s about both friends actively choosing each other, day after day, through life’s mundane moments and its milestones. This ongoing commitment not only enhances the quality of the friendship but also enriches each individual’s life, making the journey more enjoyable and fulfilling.


By investing in and nurturing this relationship, we not only enrich our own lives but also create a supportive and joyful bond that can last a lifetime. This exploration underscores the invaluable role that best friends play in our lives, reminding us to appreciate and cultivate these relationships for better mental health and happiness.

Brighter Tomorrow is Las Vegas' leading mental health and therapy practice, specializing in individual, couples, family, and group counseling. We provide both in-person and virtual therapy sessions to accommodate your unique needs. Please reach out to us to help you get started on your journey toward a brighter tomorrow.


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